Why do we need Dhyana Shastra? Dhyana Shastra is what gives us power over our lives.
We need to know these Shastras to know that the inner self is Brahmasmi.
This knowledge also helps us to love all living beings.
Why is Shiva wearing a snake? Why did Pillaiyar make a rat his vehicle?
To tell us that we should live in harmony with all living beings.
Dhyana Shastra
The one who knows will exercise power over his words and actions.
The layman says that he spoke without knowing. He did without knowing. Dhyana Shastra is the one who is used in practice.
If we know the way, we can reach it. Otherwise, we will have to go around and around in life.
What is the eightfold path.
Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyakaram, Dharani, Meditation, Samadhi.
Yama means to exert control over our principles. Niyama means to have proper control over our daily life.
If both are present, then there is no need for meditation.
At this time, the first thing that is needed is asana, pranayama, pratyakara, dharanam, meditation, samadhi, and then yama niyama can be sorted as
The first fixed asana is needed is a stable and comfortable asana.
Only if you are in a stable and comfortable asana can you meditate for more time.
Asana Jayam means that in which you can sit for 3 hours, that is the best asana. Elderly people can do lying meditation.
In the first position, a layperson sits in meditation.
The second position is pranayama.
No mantra is needed. When there is no body movement, you should pay attention to your breathing. Comfortable breathing meditation means that our attention is on your breathing.
The third stage is Pratyakara, when the first one is seated, the layperson becomes a meditator in the second stage.
When he follows the third point, he becomes a yogi. Through Pratyakara, the mind develops. Thoughts decrease.
By binding the limbs and closing the eyes, energy is saved. After the outer world becomes dark, the inner world becomes light. Little by little, they appear.
Just as music, language, and meditation are learned, the inner world becomes clear as one learns them.
Pratyakara means the opposite of food, that is, food obtained from within is Pratyakara, not food obtained from outside.