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Spiritual Science Part 2

 Patriji's Discourse

Spiritual Science

The fruits of the actions performed also begin to accrue. Good deeds will bear good results. Bad deeds will have bad results.

When you watch a movie, you do not think about studies, if you drive a car without care, there will be an accident.

 You must be diligent and attentive in all the activities you do. If you know the science of the soul, you can enjoy and live happily.

Realize that birth and death are only for the body and not for the soul and think about the beauty of the happiness that follows.

 Once we know the concept of karma, we will start living with a sense of caution in our words and actions.

Just as we children are born and grow, so souls also grow from a child soul into a mature soul.

 It will take 300 to 400 births. World Theatre Stage We get experience by playing different characters

 We accumulate the fruits of our karma through the karmas we perform in every birth we take birth.

The Doctrine of Progamana the Fourth Truth

Of the lessons that the soul learns, the fourth truth is the doctrine of Progamana. A student who takes an exam gets 10 out of 100 and fails.

 But there is no failure in the soul test. The soul will study step by step and continue to progress.

 We can sit back after realizing that any event is a lesson. The soul will not escape that it will not take the exam.

 All the characters and creatures are good. We do not go backwards in life.

 We are just moving forward. We do not have to worry about anything. If the person who teaches us knows, we learn easily, don't we?

The yogic philosophy will make us understand faster. It is better to understand this at a youthful age.

 The yogic philosophy speeds up this understanding, so Kṛiṣhṇa told Arjuna to become a yogī.

The pyramid masters who pick up speed as if our journey is going in the sky and not on the path are all souls born to teach through the youth, students, mature and preliminary stages.

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